
  • О. О. Світличний Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, Україна



Ключові слова:

геоінформаційні системи, геоінформаційні технології, наукові дослідження, кафедра фізичної географії та природокористування, ОНУ


Розглянуто основні напрями досліджень з проблеми і з використанням географічних інформаційних систем та геоінформаційних технологій на кафедрі фізичної географії та природокористування Одеського національного університету імені І. І. Мечникова, починаючи з початку 90-х років минулого сторіччя. Показана динаміка тематики теоретичних і прикладних геоінформаційних досліджень та отриманих результатів, а також зв’язок наукових досліджень та навчального процесу.


Bezverhnyuk, T. M. (2000). Geoіnformatsіyne kartografuvannya ta rayonuvannya agrolandshaftnykh system lokalnogo rіvnya [Geographic information mapping and zoning of agricultural landscape of local level]. Geography and Modernity: Coll. Scientific works, 3, 34–42. K.: Publishing of National Pedagogical University.

Bezverhnyuk, T. M. (2001). Avtomatizovane agrolandshaftne rayonuvannya [Automated ahrolandscape zoning]. Extended abstract of Candidate’s thesis (19 p.). Simpheropol.

Lisetcky, F. N., Svetlitchnyi, A. A, & Chorny, S. G. (2012). Sovremennye problemy eroziovedeniya: monografiya [Modern problems of soil erosion science] (A. A. Svetlitchnyi (Ed.), 456 p.). Belgorod: Konstanta.

Murkalov, A. B. (2011). Sovremennye nanosy plyazhey v beregovoy zone Chernogo morya (ot m. Bolshoy Fontan do Zhebriyanskoy bukhty) [Modern sediments of beaches in the coastal zone of the Black Sea (from cape Large Fountain to Zhebriyanskaya Bay)]. Ecology, neoecology, environmental protection and sustainable natural resources (pp. 65–67). Kharkov: Publishing of KhNU.

Svetlitchnyi, A. A., Shvebs, H. I., Lisetskiy, F. N., Pilipenko, G. P., Igoshin, N. I., Gogolev, A. I., Vasilev, I. G., Mulik, O. G., & Plotnitsky, S. V. (1994). Nauchno-metodicheskoe obespechenie regionalnogo agroeko logicheskogo monitoringa (na primere Yuzhnogo regiona Ukrainy) [Scientific and methodological support of regional agro-ecological monitoring (for the South region of Ukraine as an example)]. Theses of reports of IV Congress of Soil Scientists and Agrochemists of Ukraine (pp. 17–19). Kharkiv.

Plotnitsky, S. V. (2000). Naukovo-metodologіchnіt a tekhnologіchnіpitannya modelyuvannya prirodno-gosp odarskykh system zasobamy GІS [Scientific-methodological and technological problems of natural-economic systems modeling by means of GIS]. Ukraine and global processes: the geographical dimension (Vol. 2, pp. 389–391). Kyiv-Lutsk.

Plotnitsky, S. V. (2009). Modelirovanie prirodno-khozyaystvennykh territorialnykh sistem lokalnogo i region alnogo urovnya v srede GIS [Modeling of natural and economic territorial systems of local and regional level in the GIS environment]. Theoretical and applied problems of modern geography. Proceedings of the international scientific conference dedicated to H. I Shvebs, 3-5 June 2009, Odessa (pp. 103–105). Odessa: Publishing VMV.

Plotnitsky, S. V., & Bezverhnyuk, T. N. (1998). Avtomatizatsiya agrolandshaftnogo rayonirovaniya na baze GIStekhnologii [Automation agrolandscape zoning based on GIS technology]. Collection of scientific works of young scientists and students. A series of geological and eographical sciences (Vol. 1, pp. 4–10). Odessa: Astroprint.

Plotnitsky, S. V., & Bezverhnyuk, T. N. (2002). Ipolzovanie geoinformatsionnykh sistem vizuchenii vozmo zhnykh prichin vozniknoveniya chrezvychaynykh situatsiy [The use of geographic information systems in the study of the possible causes of emergencies]. Eniology, (6), 38–40.

Pyatkova, A. V. (2008). Osobennosti modelirovaniya prostranstvennoy izmenchivosti faktorov vodnoy erozii pochv [Features of modeling spatial variability factors of water soil erosion]. Odesa National University Herald. Geography and Geology, 13(6), 156–163.

Pyatkova, A. V. (2011). Prostorove modelyuvannya vodnoyi eroziyi gruntu yak osnova naukovoho obgruntuvannya ratsional’noho vykorystannya eroziyno-nebezpechnykh zemel [Spatial modeling of soil erosion as a basis for the scientific substantiation of the rational use of erosion-prone land]. Extended abstract of Candidate’s thesis (20 p.). Odesa.

Svetlitchnyi, A. A., Anderson, V. N., & Plotnitsky, S. V. (1997). Geograficheskie informatsionnye sistemy: tekhnologiya i prilozheniya [Geographic information systems: technologies and applications] (196 p.). Odessa: Astroprint.

Svetlitchnyi, A. A., & Svetlichnaya, I. A. (2001). Prostranstvennoe modelirovanie sklonovogo stokoobrazovaniya [Spatial modeling of the slope runoff]. Water Resources, 28(4), 424–433.

Svetlitchnyi, A. A. (2003). Prostranstvennoe modelirovanie gidrologicheskikh i erozionnykh protsessov na osnove tekhnologii GIS [Spatial modeling of hydrological and soil erosion processes on the basis of GIS technology]. Hydrometeorology and Environmental Protection – 2002 (Part 2, pp. 129–134). Odessa.

Svetlitchnyi, A. A., & Ivanova, A. V. (2008). Prostranstvennoe modelirovanie vodnoy erozii kak osnova optimizatsii ispolzovaniya erozionno-opasnykh zemel [Spatial modeling of water erosion as a basis for optimizing the use of erosion-prone land]. Intensification, resource conservation and protection of soil in the adaptivelandscape system of agriculture. Proceedings of the International scientific and practical conference, the GNU VNIIZiZPE, 10-12 September 2008 (pp. 609–614). Kursk.

Svetlitchnyi, A. A. (2009). Eroziovedenie i geoinformatsionnye tekhnologii [Soil erosion science and GIS technologies]. Theoretical and applied problems of modern geography. Proceedings of the international scientific conference dedicated to H. I Shvebs, 3-5 June 2009, Odessa (pp. 170–172). Odessa: Publishing VMV.

Svitlychnyi, O. O. (1995). Kil’kisna otsinka kharakterystyk sklonovoho eroziynoho protsesu i pytannya optymizatsiyi vykorystannya eroziyno-nebezpechnykh zemel’ [The quantitative evaluation of the characteristics of the slope erosion process and the problem of optimization of use of erosion lands]. Extended abstract of Doctoral Thesis (47 p.). Odessa.

Svitlychnyi, O. O. (1995). Prostorove modelyuvannya і rozrobka system pіdtrymky rіshen na bazі GІS [Spatial modeling and development of decision support systems based on GIS], Proceedings of GIS Forum “The theory and implementation of GIS technology” (pp. 19–20). Kyiv.

Svetlitchnyi, A. A., & Plotnytsky, S. V. (2002). Geoіnformatsіynі tekhnologіi v prirodokorystuvannі: problema prostorovykh danykh [GIS technologies in nature use: the problem of spatial data]. Geoinformatics, (4), 41–47.

Svitlychnyi, O. O., & Ivanova, A. V. (2003). Printsipy prostorovogo modelyuvannya gіdrometeorologіchnykh umov zlyvovogo zmyvu gruntu [The principles of spatial modeling of hydrometeorological conditions of rainstorm soil erosion]. Odesa National University Herald. Geography and Geology, 8(5), 77–82.

Svitlychnyi, O. O., & Plotnytsky, S. V. (2006). Osnovy geoіnformatiky: navchalniy posіbnyk dlya vyshch. navch. Zakladіv [Basics of Geoinformatics: textbook for higher education] (O. O. Svitlychnyi (Ed.), 1st ed. 296 p.). Sumy: VTD “University Book”.

Svitlychnyi, O. O., & Plotnytsky, S. V. (2008). Osnovy geoіnformatiky: navchalniy posіbnyk dlya vyshch. navch. zakladіv [Basics of Geoinformatics: textbook for higher education] (O. O. Svitlychnyi (Ed.), 2nd ed., 294 p.). Sumy: VTD “University Book”.

Svitlychnyi, O. O. (2012). Otsіnka nebezpeky nіtratnogo zabrudnennya poverkhnevykh і gruntovykh vod [Risk assessment of nitrate pollution of surface and ground water]. Regional collection of materials the international project EU.WATER “Transnational integrated management of water resources in agriculture for European water emergency control” (pp. 6–16). Odesa: ONPU.

Shvebs, H. I., Svetlitchnyi, A. A., Plotnytsky, S. V., Vasilev I. G., & Mulik O. G. (1993). Kadastrovye geoinformatsionnye sistemy – kak osnova ekologicheskogo i sotsialno-ekonomicheskogo obosnovaniya regionalnykh skhem prirodopolzovaniya [Cadastral GIS system – as the basis of environmental and socio-economic assess ment of regional patterns of nature management]. Environmental and socio-economic assessment of regional patterns of nature management (pp. 25–27). Minsk.

Shvebs, H. I. (1994). GIS-tekhnologii rassmotreniya geoekologicheskikh voprosov [GIS technology consid eration of geoenvironmental issues]. Materialy naukovo-praktychnoho seminaru z heoinformatsiinykh system (pp. 60–65). Kyiv.

Shvebs, H. I., Bezverhnyuk, T. N., & Shvebs, A. H. (1995). Monitoring i ego pochvoerozionnyy blok [Agroecological monitoring and its soil erosion unit]. Rezumatele Comunicarilor conferintei internationale practico-stiintifice “Eroziunea solurilor si metodele de combatere” (pp. 89–90). Chisinau.

Shvebs, H. I., Plotnitsky, S. V., Pilipenko, G. P., & Bezverhnyuk, T. N. (1997). Agrolandshaftnoe kartografirovanie s ispolzovaniem GIS-tekhnologii [Agrolandscape mapping using GIS technology]. Proceedings of the Third All-Ukrainian Conference of geoinformation technologies “Theory, technology, GIS Implementation” (pp. 4–5). Kyiv.

Shuiskyi, Iu. D, Bereznytska, N. O., Hyzhko, L V., & Murkalov, O. B. (2008). Dopytannia pro pryrodu Dnistrovskoho lymanu na uzberezhzhi Chornoho moria [On the nature of Dniester Liman on the Black Sea]. Ecology Environment and Life Safety, (5), 27–39.

De Roo, A. P. J., Wesseling, C. G., Cremers, N. H. D. T., Offermans, R. J. E., Ritserma, C. J., & Van Oostindie, K. (1994). LISEM: A physically-based hydrological and soil erosion model incorporated in a GIS. In J. J. Harts, H. F. L. Ottens, & H. J. Scholten (Eds.), EGIS / MARY’94 Conference Proceedings (pp. 207–216). Utrecht/Amsterdam: EGIS Foundation.

Reveal more value in your data with location analytics. Retrieved on January 15, 2015, from http://www.esri.com/library/whitepapers/pdfs/ reveal-more-value.pdf%29

Shvebs, H. I. (1993). The GIS Technology scheme of the optimization of society and nature interaction. In J. J. Harts, H. F. L. Ottens, H. J. & Scholten (Eds.), EGIS’93 Conference Proceedings (Vol. 1, pp. 1619–1620). Utrecht-Amsterdam: EGIS Foundation.

Shvebs, H. I. (1993). Rational land utilization, conservation and monitoring on the basis of GIS technology. Collection of articles by Ukrainian members of European Society for Soil Conservation (pp. 29–34). Kharкov.

Shvebs, H. I., Svetlitchnyi, A. A., & Plotnitsky, S. V. (1994). Elaboration of decision support system for optimization of land resources, using GIS. In J. J. Harts, H. F. L. Ottens, & H. J. Scholten (Eds.), EGIS / MARI’94 Conference Proceedings (pp. 1876–1883). Utrecht-Amsterdam: EGIS Foundation.

van der Perk, M., Svetlitchnyi, A. A., den Besten, J. W., & Wielinga A. (Eds). (2000). SPARTACUS: Spatial redistribution of radionuclides within catchments: development of GIS-based models for decision support system. EC Contract No. IC15-CT98-0215. Final Report (165 p.). Utrecht: Utrecht University.

Svetlichnyi, A., Yegorkin, I., Shvebs, H., & Lisetsky, F. (1992). Object-oriented approach in designing optimal agrolandscape based upon GIS. In J. J. Harts, H. F. L. Ottens, & H. J. Scholten (Eds.), EGIS’92 Conference Proceedings (Vol. 1, pp. 423–430). Utrecht-Amsterdam: EGIS Foundation.

Svetlitchnyi, A. A., Plotnitsky, S. V., & Stepovaya, O. Y. (2003). Spatial distribution of soil moisture content within catchments and its modelling on the basis topographic data. Journal of Hydrology, (277), 50–60.

Svetlitchnyi, A. A., Shvebs, H. I., Plotnitsky, S. V., & Vasilev, I. G. (1996). Agroecological monitoring and problems of its informational insurance. In M. Rumor, R. McMillan, & H. F. L. Ottens (Eds.), Geographical Information. From Research to Application through Cooperation (Vol. 1, pp. 346–349). IOS Press.




Як цитувати

Світличний, О. О. (2016). ГЕОІНФОРМАЦІЙНІ СИСТЕМИ І ТЕХНОЛОГІЇ У НАУКОВИХ ДОСЛІДЖЕННЯХ КАФЕДРИ ФІЗИЧНОЇ ГЕОГРАФІЇ І ПРИРОДОКОРИСТУВАННЯ ОДЕСЬКОГО НАЦІОНАЛЬНОГО УНІВЕРСИТЕТУ. Вісник Одеського національного університету. Географічні та геологічні науки, 20(1(24), 162–173. https://doi.org/10.18524/2303-9914.2015.1(24).60075

